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Excellence de l’éducation Skills Development Center
Office 09- 2nd Floor -Sunset Mall,
Jumeirah Beach Road- Jumeirah3,
Dubai- United Arab Emirates.

Phone: 043430317
Behavioral Adjustment Program
Behavioral Adjustment Program
Who benefits from the program?
The student facing behavioral problems such as: hyperactivity, stubbornness, persecution, violence, anger, sexual harassment and other. It’s often difficult to manage this kind of difficulties by the educational institution or the family, which constitutes a major obstacle to the student’s integration in the educational system.

Objectives of the program
Modifying and improving the behavior by using accurate, highly efficient educational tools.
Developing student’s social and relational skills.
Improving the student’s academic achievement.
Ensuring a proper guidance by the teachers and the family.
Educational guidance and positive support of the school.

Interests of the program
Developing student’s sense of responsibility and self-esteem.
Raising parents and educators awareness, assisting them to cope with behavioral difficulties.
Developing parenting skills for effective intervention with their children.
Providing effective educational strategies to enable teachers and administrative staff to supervise and guide students.
Establishing an intervention program involving all the concerned parties such as teachers, educators, parents and social   workers for a concerted and integrated educational support.
Avoiding worsening of behavioral problems among students and preserving the school system.